How To Condense Text In Word For Mac


The default spacing in Microsoft Word for Mac 2011 is set to120 percent of the default font size. However, you can configure Word for Mac to set single spacing as the default for text in the current document or in the Normal template for all future documents. You can also set the spacing between paragraphs in a single document or in the template. By default, Word 2011 inserts 1 1/2 spaces between paragraphs. Decrease the paragraph spacing setting to single space, if desired, in the Line Spacing Options settings.

Office 2011 for Mac All-in-One For Dummies. If you liked this tutorial, do look at this book, authored by Geetesh Bajaj and James Gordon. This book is the single most comprehensive content for Microsoft's latest Office suite offering for Mac users. To set the size of text you’re about to type, or text in a selected block, heed these steps: Click the Home tab. In the Font group, click the down arrow next to the Font Size box.

Tip: Save a copy of your document before using this command. In order to shrink the document, Word decreases the font size of each font used in the document. You can undo the command by pressing Ctrl + Z. However, after you save the document and close it, there is no quick way to restore the original font size. Shrink One Page isn’t a commonly used command, so the button isn’t shown by default.

How To Condense Text In Microsoft Word

You can, however, quickly add it. The quickest way to add the button is to add it to the Quick Access Toolbar. • In the Quick Access toolbar at the top of the Word window, click Customize Quick Access Toolbar (the small down arrow) and choose More Commands. • Under Choose commands from, click All Commands. • Scroll down through the list of commands until you find Shrink One Page. • Click Shrink One Page to select it, and then click the Add button.

How to condense text in word

Once the button is available, just click it to shrink the text.

How can the answer be improved? Wrap text around image in word for mac. But after the object is inserted in your Word document, you’ll probably need to control how text wraps around it. You can adjust text wrapping in Print Layout, Notebook Layout, Publishing Layout, and Full Screen views. Using contextual menus to wrap text in Word 2011. The fastest way to get at the Wrap Text options is to right-click an object.